Developing Mobile Applications - PhoneGap

Certificate of Completion included

  • Certificate of Completion

Learn how to design and develop mobile applications for both IOS and Android devices using PhoneGap and jQuery!

What you'll learn

  • All About PhoneGap Application
    • Creating Application Templates
    • Accessing Device Hardware
    • Storing and Managing Data on Device Database
    • Build with Adobe PhoneGap Build
  • Hardware Peripherals Interaction
    • Coordinates and On-Screen Movement using Accelerometer
    • Gestures Detection and Device Orientation
    • Retrieve Device Location (Google Places API)
    • Capturing and Saving Images using Device Camera
    • Playing Media (Audio & Video)
    • Determine Battery Status
    • Taps & Press Integration
    • Swipe & Pan Integration
    • Send Push Notifications
  • Including jQuery Library for User Interface (UI)
    • Create Single and Multi Page User interfaces
    • Optimize Screen Space (Collapsibles)
    • Use jQuery Mobile UI Elements
    • Control Media Content (JavaScript)
  • Building with the Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Complete Pre-Release Testing of a Mobile Application
    • Android Virtual Device Tool
  • Building a Complete Mobile Application
Developing Mobile Applications - PhoneGap

General Content Guidelines

12 chapters • 58 lessons • Total duration: 5h 11m

Getting Started

6 lessons44m 40s

User Interface

6 lessons30m 6s

  • 00:45

  • 10:01

  • 04:32

  • 05:28

  • 02:21

  • 06:59


4 lessons34m 31s

  • 00:49

  • 11:00

  • 09:25

  • 13:17


4 lessons36m 14s

  • 00:48

  • 14:42

  • 15:11

  • 05:33


5 lessons28m 21s

  • 00:52

  • 07:03

  • 10:05

  • 03:35

  • 06:46

Device Accelerometer

3 lessons13m 16s

  • 00:49

  • 07:52

  • 04:35

Taking Pictures

5 lessons20m 44s

  • 00:42

  • 05:59

  • 07:12

  • 04:40

  • 02:11


5 lessons19m 34s

  • 00:36

  • 04:41

  • 05:02

  • 03:39

  • 05:36

Working with the Hardware

5 lessons19m 5s

  • 00:54

  • 05:39

  • 04:09

  • 05:12

  • 03:11

Push Notifications

5 lessons16m 23s

  • 00:46

  • 04:21

  • 02:14

  • 02:41

  • 06:21

Show more chapters (2)


  • Personal Computer (Mac, Windows or Linux)
  • Basic knowledge on HTML and JavaScript is a plus but not mandatory


With the ever-growing number of people accessing the internet via mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), mobile app development is the current fastest growing segment on the IT Business World.

This course is specially designed to provide you with enough know-how and tools so by completing it you’re capable to fully understand and build, develop and deploy mobile applications, from end-to-end, using PhoneGap Framework Application and jQuery UI Library.

Mark Lassof, the founder of Framework Tech Media, has taught over 1 Million students over the internet and written over 7 books about Computer Programming. He’s also the in-demand speaker of the Silicon Valley Code Camp and won the 2017 eLearning Guild Guildmaster Award.

By completing all course-lessons you’ll be prompted with your well-deserved Certificate of Completion that certifies your knowledge in this matter.

Original course created by Alex Genadinik